We don't always get to meet the kids that receive our Sunshine Baskets in our partnering hospitals due to HIPAA (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) regulations and privacy laws. We are able to meet the kids and their families during our Author Visit programs that author Ronda Friend conducts in the elementary schools. Let me share these heartwarming and courageous stories that are representative of the kids whose lives we are touching. We've been given permission to share their stories with you.
Savannah is a soon to be 5 year old courageously battling medulloblastoma. She has undergone surgery, radiation treatments and is now on the front end of her chemo-therapy treatments (Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt) that will last until May, 2017. You can follow her journey on Facebook - Savannah's Faith. She is funny, loves to sing, a great hugger and has a wonderful family. (posted 6/30/16)
Gina, a beautiful 4th grader from Austin Texas is courageously battling Leukemia and receiving treatment at Dell's Children Medical Center, Round Rock, TX.. She is pictured here with her brother Joshua and Ronda Friend having received her Sunshine Basket. Gina's mom asks, "We would love you to keep us in your prayers and and to pass Gina’s story and enlarge the prayer team praying for her. Once again, thank you and God Bless."
Caroline was diagnosed with Leukemia back in the summer of 2015. She is the central character in Ronda Friend's book, Pass Love Along, which the foundation at The Children's Hospital at Saint Francis asked Ronda to write. She is a real sweetheart and such a little warrior. It is our privilege to partner with Sunflower Seeds Press publishers to create a book about real people facing real medical challenges that will encourage and bless children and families that are walking similar journeys. Shortly there will be a video clip from an interview by Tulsa's CBS affiliate "Six in the Morning" show featuring Caroline, her mother Megan, author Ronda Friend and Kacie Frazier with the hospital foundation.
Chrisitan, was diagnosed last year with Type 2 Diabetes. Pictured with Ronda and Stephanie Todd during the Nashville Predators Foundation grant ceremony - he's all about "Smashvillle" and his own copy of Pass Love Along. Christian is one of the kids on the Wall of Warriors in the book. Rumor has it he's a big UT fan (and for our friends in Austin that ain't TX). He's quite the trooper and always positive and is a stellar little leaguer!
Hallie is a third grader from Piedmont, OK. Ronda and I had the privilege of meeting her family as well during our visit to The Children's Hospital at the Univ. of Oklahoma, one of our four partnering hospitals. Halle goes to Northwood Elementary where Ronda presented her author visit program. Halle is a real sweetheart and is battling Graves disease. She recently had her thyroid removed but we're happy to report she has returned to classes. . .YEAH!!!! Halle's librarian at her school, Melody Clark, is pictured with Ronda and Halle. Mrs. Clark is not only a great librarian but has a huge heart of compassion!
Ricky is a Kindergarten student at Piedmont Elementary school, OK. He was injured during a freak accident when a horse fell on him. He suffered multiple fractures to his spine, pelvis, and upper leg. He's back at school now but thinks he's a Nascar wheelchair driver! Melody Clark is his librarian and friend as well!
Kendra is a beautiful, soon to be third grader from Groveland, FL., who is courageously battling Leukemia. Her mom, Becky, is a third grade teacher in the Lake County school district. Kendra is receiving treatment through the Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital in Orlando. We met Kendra during Ronda's author visit program at her school - Grassy Lake Elementary.
Shortly there will be a video with Kendra and mom sharing their experience with F2FBP and their journey - it is very encouraging!
Hear Kendra and her mom share how F2FBP contributed to their journey
Will attends Montgomery Elementary in Montgomery, NY. Pictured here with his sister, Grace who loves him dearly. She has shaved her head twice now as Will has gone through two regimens of chemotherapy. Will was 4 years old when he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on June 1, 2010. He was an incredibly healthy boy up until about five days before his diagnosis. Thanks to the marvels of modern medicine, determination, bravery, the support and love of his friends and family, Will is well on his way to beating this life threatening disease. Will was a patient at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). One of the nurses in Will’s first week upon arrival nicknamed him Will the Warrior. Check out Will's website at WilltheWarrior.com.
Blane is a young man with an inspiring story of hope, courage and strength of family. Blane was first diagnosed with Leukemia when he was one year old. He was a patient at Kosairs Children's Hospital in Louisville, KY. Now a student at William Casey Elementary in Columbia, KY., Blane is cancer free and wil be starting the second grade in the Fall, 2013. Inspired by Blane's courageous battle, Blane's school participated in the "Pennies for Patients" fundraiser and exceeded their goal of $500 by raising over $5000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.